At the base of my spine glows an orange orb, free-floating amidst the Harrington rods and titanium cage. My low spine fused, my narrative nerves pinched and running the length of this mortal cord from … [Read more...]
The Wrench and Reach of Grace: Feet of the Messenger by H.C. Palmer, reviewed by Wm. Anthony Connolly
Feet of the Messenger by H.C. Palmer / BkMk Press / 9781943491100 / 2018 Everything is here and now --- childhood, beauty, war, peace --- all apiece of a tapestry woven by the expert hands of the … [Read more...]
Absences: A Sequence by John A. Griffin, reviewed by Wm. Anthony Connolly
Absences: A Sequence by John A. Griffin / The Esthetic Apostle / In The Presence of Absence In ancient philosophy, the soul is described as a slab of wax. When the soul is impacted by … [Read more...]
Cy Twombly’s Lepanto Green
Someone has razed the house and hung its walls vandalized by a tormented resident. Standing back affronted, but scrutinizing the display nevertheless, twelve panels come into view as if roof, … [Read more...]