“Beatnik” is sometimes – incorrectly – used to describe to the Beat Generation writers and artists. We’re going to straighten out the confusion for you! Here’s an explanation of who the Beats were, and what the term “beatnik” is all about.
What is the “Beat Generation”?
“Beat Generation” refers to a group of writers who hit their creative stride in the 1940s-1960s. They didn’t share a writing style, but were part of a social group, holding certain interests, aims, or beliefs in common.
Jack Kerouac, in conversation with the writer John Clellon Holmes, coined the term “Beat Generation” in 1948; he was thinking of “beat” in the sense of “weariness” or “worn down,” and of “beatific.”
Four years earlier, in 1944 the three original Beat writers (though of course they weren’t known as Beats until later), Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William S. Burroughs became friends while at New York’s Columbia University. They shared a vision for a new type of literature, which escaped the boundaries of academia and used a more natural language and form similar to that used in speech. They were interested in experimentation not only with language – but also with art, drugs, sexuality, spirituality and lifestyles in the interest of finding greater meaning in life. The Beat Generation movement was a rebellion against the status quo of American life, and an exploration of meaningful self-expression.
Later, others joined and became friends with Kerouac, Ginsberg and Burroughs and the loosely-formed group expanded. As the orignal group traveled to the West Coast – particularly San Francisco – they met and formed friendships other poets and artists who eventually also became known as members of the Beat Generation. They are sometimes referred to as the “West Coast Beats.”
Who are the Beat Generation writers?
Though others are sometimes included in the list; the primary Beat Generation writers include:
Jack Kerouac
Allen Ginsberg
William S. Burroughs
Neal Cassady
Gregory Corso
Michael McClure
Gary Snyder
Philip Whalen
Lew Welch
Joanne Kyger
John Clellon Holmes
Ted Joans
Diane di Prima
Amiri Baraka (né LeRoi Jones)
Peter Orlovsky
Carl Solomon
Bob Kaufman
Hettie Jones
Herbert Huncke
ruth weiss
Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s City Lights Books published many of the Beats, and Ferlinghetti is often associated with them, even though he doesn’t claim to be a Beat.
It wasn’t until after Kerouac’s novel, On the Road, was published in 1957 and became successful that the general public became aware of most of the Beat writers and the term, “Beat Generation.” Allen Ginsberg’s poetry collection, HOWL, was the center of a controversial censorship trial that same year.
OK, so what’s a Beatnik?
The origin, and the stereotype
The Beat Generation writers were not “beatniks.” But the “beatnik” phenomena sprung from a stereotyped, often derogatory image of some of the things associated with them.
“Beatnik” is a word coined by Herb Caen of the San Francisco Chronicle in April of 1958, in the midst of the new media attention given the Beat Generation. He fused together “Beat” from the “Beat Generation” and, inspired by the satellite Sputnik, the Russian “-nik” suffix. He meant it in a disparaging way. (And given that “-nik” is Russian, he may have meant to equate beatniks with communists.)
When the media latched onto the Beat Generation, it became a phenomenon, spawning a raft of products aimed at those who admired the “Beats” and their perceived (but not actual) lifestyle. To outsiders, the Beats had an aura of hipness, of cool – even though the Beats never really sought to be any of those things. The Beats were looking for real meaning, authenticity and a deeply personal self-expression in their lives and work, not conformity in a black turtleneck and a cheesy beret.
Companies and the media quickly picked up on the term “beatnik” as a marketing tool, and then it was everywhere – books, movies, television, in the press, and on commercial products.
“Beatnik” became the word to describe the stereotype of the actual Beat Generation creatives – shallow, goateed, anti-materialistic, slang-using, black beret-wearing, bongo-playing, jazz-listening hipsters reciting nearly unintelligible poetry in dark coffee-houses. They were often portrayed as violent or lacking morals. This “beatnik” image didn’t reflect the lives or reality of any of the Beat writers.
The truth of it is that certain details associated with the Beat Generation writers were picked up, twisted, and amplified, almost beyond recognition and wildly embellished by the media and the marketing departments, into the the “beatnik” stereotype.
The reality
Sure, coffee houses and poetry readings were popular during the era when the Beat Generation became popular; some of the Beats even occasionally read in such venues. Some used slang. And yes, jazz was certainly popular with the Beats. But they didn’t look or act like cartoons. They didn’t care about fashion, or expectations. They were individuals, and each rejected conformity in favor of finding their own voice and their own path.
And yes, some people embraced aspects of this perception of what “Beat” was, in their own lives. Absolutely they did.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, there was a growing subculture that was looking for answers, and ways of life that just weren’t being found in mainstream America. Some of these folks hung out in coffeehouses, listened to jazz, dressed in the “hipster” clothing of the time, read the Beat writers and the works of other authors and thinkers, expressed themselves artistically, protested aggression, or rejected commonly accepted ways of thinking or living.
You could some of them “beatniks” if you like. But painting people with such broad strokes often means missing a lot of important detail.
The Beats on “beatniks.”
The Beats actually rejected the term “beatnik.” In a letter to the New York Times, Allen Ginsberg shared his thoughts on “the foul word beatnik,” commenting, “If beatniks and not illuminated Beat poets overrun this country, they will have been created not by Kerouac but by industries of mass communication which continue to brainwash man.”
In a 1969 interview with The Tampa Bay Times, Kerouac said, “I’m a Catholic, not a beatnik.”
Modern day beatniks
“Beatnik” is sometimes used in an affectionate way these days, to, with a wink, refer to someone with an affinity for the Beats or with certain interests. As such, it can carry a sort of retro charm. However, due to the misunderstandings that so often stem from use of the word, perhaps it is best to use another term.
Are there modern day “Beat” writers?
Well, yes, and no.
Some of the Beat Generation writers are still alive and writing today. They include Michael McClure, Gary Snyder, Diane di Prima, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and Hettie Jones.
Some young writers today describe themselves as “Beat writers.” “Beat-influenced” would be more accurate, as the Beats were a specific group of writers, all born in the early 20th century.
Many writers today have been influenced by the Beats and owe much to them, in philosophy or style. They, along with some artists, musicians, filmmakers – and readers – are important; they’re the ones who keep the Beats’ artistic legacy alive.
The Beats’ influenced contemporary attitudes and perceptions not just with regard to the arts, but also spirituality, drugs, the environment, sexuality, politics, self-expression, and the role of the individual in society.
It’s been reported that upon recently being asked by a student about what happened to the Beat Generation, Michael McClure replied, “Where’s the Beat Generation? It’s in you somehow.”
Tony Adamo says
The Beat Generation (1950) page on FB has censored my art because the word BEATNIK was in the headline for the backdrop of my art. This is an affront to me and the free thinking artists who are poets, writers, and musicians of this world. I am not hip to the fact that the moderator of The Beat Generation Facebook group has censored my art.
The Beat Generation Facebook group has posted many of my graphic artworks in the past. But now because of the word BEATNIK I am censored and kicked off the Beat Generation and not allowed to post in the future. This shows me that the Beat Generation moderator does not have a full grasp and is not hip to the history of the Beat Generation. The following quote provides illumination into clarification of the Beatnik to Beat Generation.
“The Beatnik counter culture was a revolutionary time for music and literature. There is a common stereotype that Beatniks where nothing more than a higher echelon of hippies with few aspirations outside of sex and drugs. Despite some truth in those stereotypes, the Beat Generation actively shaped North American culture.”
Orange County Reverb, January 7, 2013
“Kirpal Gordon says Tony Roc Adamo: lord/son, lad: the pic is so compelling w/ the figures in red (& the flag) against that silly headline in dark black w. NYPD face peeking through. yr pic is not just about art & artists–it IS art! i am not sure why anyone wld object to the word beatnik as that was the shorthand back then. i never thought of AG, his dad OR taylor mead as beatniks; they are all too old & too real. maynard g. krebs, a TV-invented phenomenon, was a beatnik just like the word beatnik which has nuttin to do w/ JK’s beatific experience. stay strong & kleep making work like this—& in the recording studio! happy INDEPENDENCE day!”
Denise says
Tony, Sorry to hear you have been banned from the Facebook Beat Generation group. Perhaps you can appeal the decision with the moderators. I’m not very active on Facebook and not familiar with this group. It’s good to hear that you have support from others.
Keep on keepin’ on — here’s to art!
stkmce says
I’m guessing that would have been Dave Moore’s decision, though I’m not sure how BG is administered.
I’m not an administrator, though I think I would have contacted you, as I run a page/group myself.
Yes, a lot of folks – purists, elders, etc. – are turned off by the term “beatnik”, understandably – though this is not a time to make communication even more impossible than human conditioning and techno-waste have rendered it. Only an opinion, of course …
stkmce says
This may be possible, Denise. I’m happy to join in on any address of this issue and you will find me under Shane McElroy. As a musician first (former?), as well as a writer (?), I’m actually more active on Jazz of the Beat Generation, it’s sister group.
Tony Adamo says
The Graphic art that was banned from the FB ( The Beat Generation 1950) page for having the word Beatnik in my art. A most hip thank you.
Tony Adamo
stkmce says
I don’t know what can be added to this except to point out (to those who don’t already know?) that simply put, “beatnik” was a combination of the existing J.K. term “beat” (beatitude, with other implications from love of Modern Jazz to a generation weary of the existing cultural mode, or mold) and the Russian-Yiddish-Slavic suffix “nik”. It was used to imply that all things beat were linked to communism, therefore a threat to the U.S. establishment at the time. Like many derogatory terms, taken up by the very persons it is used upon, it became a term indicating solidarity, much like the African-American variant of the infamous “n word” (-er replaced by -a) and so many others.
Beat generation purists are all too aware of the distinction between beat and the “nik” form. Sometimes in an intellectually worthy manner, sometimes to a grave fault.
As for this writer’s advice – it is no advice, for you will do what you do …
Denise says
Great point about the insinuation, via the “-nik” suffix, that the Beats were linked to communism.
stkmce says
Red scare, baby. Red scare. Get those kiddies under their school desks and be sure to bring in the dog at night.
Tony Adamo says
“Beatnik” is a word coined by Herb Caen of the San Francisco Chronicle in April of 1958, in the midst of the new media attention given the Beat Generation. He fused together “Beat” from the “Beat Generation” and, inspired by the satellite Sputnik, the Russian “-nik” suffix. He meant it in a disparaging way. (And given that “-nik” is Russian, he may have meant to equate beatniks with communists.)
stkmce says
I agree, only after you’d reminded me of this, Tony. The anti-communist and right wing went to work using it in media, to slander or at least stereotype the entire Beat Generation. Generations later, you can see a very “advanced” form of this effort going on in a media that is far worse than we could have then imagined. Now the gun is pointed at other guns pointing in every direction …
Tony Adamo says
AYO Empty Mirror and Denise, A most hip thank you.
Tony Adamo
Tony Adamo says
The Beat Generation on FB has censored my art because of the word Beatnik in my art. Go to https://www.facebook.com/tonyrocadamo
Denise says
Since the term “beatnik” refers to a pop culture phenomenon rather than the Beat Generation writers and their work, it’s rejected by many when associated with the Beats. So that group may not be your best audience for this particular piece; some people won’t see beyond the use of the word “beatnik.” Sorry this happened to you. Onward! Here’s to art!
stkmce says
“Just … be”
Ed Botsko says
I think this is a tad elitist… Each new generation of writers/readers spawns from what exists…This small clique of writers tried a new approach and it stuck… for a while…timing’s everything.
The “beatnik” crap is a condescending view of the folks who read, comprehended, and added their own twists… More opportunists, but also a lot of new approaches of representing/interpreting events and thoughts…
D. Raphael says
Hi Ed, Thanks for your comment! Not sure what you thought was elitist; can you explain?
I was explaining the distinction between the Beat writers from the “beatnik” media phenomenon which followed the publication of On the Road – not judging the Beats, or anyone who admires them.
The Beats were not “beatniks” – and that’s something I thought needed some clarification. Of course I’m open to criticism – but I don’t quite understand why you think this article is elitist.
– Denise
@JasminaTacheva says
Here’s a great article about the Beat Generation vs. “Beatniks” from @EmptyMirror
@Biblio_com says
The Beat Generation vs. “Beatniks” from @EmptyMirror https://t.co/YOwzTKdPf9
Yannis Livadas says