Have you written a review?
Almost all book reviews on our site are submitted to EM by others. If you’d like to submit a review of a nonfiction, fiction, or poetry book, please click here.
Want me to review your book?
Due to time constraints, I very seldom accept books for review.
I am not accepting e-books, fiction, poetry, or anything not on the list below. Please don’t ask!
Occasionally, as time and interest permit, I accept review copies of nonfiction books on the following topics:
- literary criticism, history of literary movements, biographies of writers
- the Beat Generation
- Surrealism
(Emails that start out something like, “I know that you don’t usually review fiction, but, given your interests, the subject of my novel would be perfect for you…” don’t receive replies.)
How to send items for possible review
If you’d like to send a book, please email me to see if I have an interest in reading and possibly reviewing it.
When sending your query, please include a synopsis of the book, the publication date, publisher, and links to where it may be purchased.
Has your work been published in Empty Mirror?
If you’re a contributor to EM, and you’ve recently published a book, please send me the details. I’ll post them to our news page and to social media. And, if someone else has reviewed your book, please encourage them to submit to the review to us.