Yahia Lababidi’s 7th book, a collection of 800 aphorisms written over a 10 year period, Where Epics Fail: Aphorisms on Art, Morality and Spirit is now available for pre-order.
When you pre-order Where Epics Fail, your name will be included in the first limited edition of 500 hardcover copies as a thank you. Penguin Random House will produce and distribute the trade edition.
Richard Blanco, Obama’s inaugural poet, has praised the book:
Do you know what an aphorism is? It’s not exactly a Haiku, a proverb, an axiom, nor a poem, yet it harnesses the power of all these. Aphorisms are an ancient form, but its current-day master is Yahia Lababidi.
Like a sip of wine, a wave just as it breaks, a sliver of the moon, or a drop of rain, each of Yahia’s aphorisms appear as simple, natural gestures, that in fact hold multitudes of meaning rooted in the eternal.
Where Epics Fail was recently reviewed on the Huffington Post.
Nearly 10 years in the making, Where Epics Fail is a new book of Lababidi’s latest, concise meditations.
As novelist Kris Saknussemm writes in Epics’ Introduction: “The aphorism may well be regarded as one of the oldest literary forms, and yet, in this age of Facebook memes, text messages, and sound bites, it may be the most accessible and relevant form of literary expression there is.”
Pre-order Where Epics Fail: Aphorisms on Art, Morality and Spirit
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