the words
the words appear like sunlight visible lines of wind & dust
luminous incantations of the Sacred Valley, of the Sedona desert
I draw the tree close to the river
the continuity of music the precise contour of life like the individual
fatigued yet continuing the velocity — indefinable precise
the red thread
makes its way through
the streets of Mexico City
dissolves time
questions the sky
weaves orange & yellow
adds green & purple
listens for the angel Gabriel
embroiders water
walks through the bosque
paints eternity
frees pages from books
trying to organize the years
gingkoes & snowflakes roses grow up the fence
timelines become important mirrors break
there are no limitations minutes become hours
The Catcher in the Rye Slaughterhouse Five
snowy owl & bear the monarch butterfly
Fromm’s The Forgotten Language
could we dream the answer?
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