I keep a postcard of Velázquez's Las Meninas above my desk at work, and I can't look at it without thinking of the summer I spent in Spain with R, the last summer we were friends. That summer I was … [Read more...]
Minimizing Monetization Earth: Agnes Denes’ Art
Is there truly any art that can surpass the beauty and majestic power of nature itself? Wasn’t it Neil Young who said “Nature is a monument to be preserved,” or words to that effect? The earth is … [Read more...]
To Ride a Horse: The Art of Nastja Säde Rönkkö and Perceptions of Nature in an Age of Decline
Think of seeing a horse. How often do we see a horse as something we can ride, and can we learn to look at horses without ever thinking about how humans can use them? When we see mountains, how often … [Read more...]
The Garden of Earthly Delights
I. In early 2015, I was invited to a popup art show in San Francisco’s Dogpatch neighborhood. My good friend Megan, an actor in the event, described it as a living replication of Hieronymus Bosch’s … [Read more...]
Seven Abstract Comics by Dev Murphy
A Carving Process: Ripple by Dan Havel and Dean Ruck
I first saw Ripple on its opening night. Formally a residence in the Montrose neighborhood of Houston, Ripple is a sculpture created on site by Dan Havel and Dean Ruck who carved designs into the … [Read more...]
Cy Twombly’s Lepanto Green
Someone has razed the house and hung its walls vandalized by a tormented resident. Standing back affronted, but scrutinizing the display nevertheless, twelve panels come into view as if roof, … [Read more...]
toriot: text art by paul hawkins
"Sometimes people say: 'What the fuck do you think you're doing? That's not art.' I say: 'Fuck off, assholes!'" -- Martin Creed … [Read more...]
Mary’s: Photographs
For a while now I’ve been collecting found footage, discarded images that once belonged to family archives, and repurpose them giving them a new meaning and a place in my own work. I received an … [Read more...]
A Third Scroll of Malachite: A Painting by Joost de Jonge and Poem by Norman Dubie
A Third Scroll of Malachite —circa 800 AD The magus as a small boy in Egypt in his faded linens thought that the torchlight reflected in the harbor was a simple exchange of sleeping gulls over … [Read more...]
Standing room only: Inside the workshop of E.C. Brown Anomalies
For many artists, the studio itself as seen as the catalyst for things to magically occur. I don't generally look at it in that way, mainly because it is rare that I'm fully and completely relaxed in … [Read more...]
Thirteen mixed-media artworks by Hildy Maze
Artist's statement: My work is driven by a curiosity into the investigation of mind thru art. None of us can avoid thoughts, but through awareness of our pitfalls, beauty, strengths and weaknesses we … [Read more...]
DADA Centennial: Day of the Dead at the International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction Archives
Show runs through January 2017 (by appointment) Reception Friday Nov. 4, 2016 from 4-7 PM DADA Centennial: Day of the Dead at the International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction … [Read more...]
Burning Factories: Art by Sander Steins
It was the summer of 1980 when I was seven years old that I sat in the back seat of my father’s blue Opel Kadett coupé and saw the first smoking chimneys of the German Ruhrgebiet. Those were the … [Read more...]
‘weather reports’: visual poetry by hiromi suzuki
Artist's statement: Weather reports rarely come true. Sometimes people changes their mind like sudden rain. They are falling and laughing like the sun-shower of letters. … [Read more...]
Collages by Ben Stainton
Four Landscapes (Through a Window) by Magie Dominic
Artist's statement: These four collages can be viewed separately. They can also be shown as one 4-part piece as seen through a four pane glass window, with the two blue and white pieces on the top - … [Read more...]
A Gallery of Collages by Nicholas Lockyer
Artist's statement:Visual artist Nicholas Lockyer’s collage work explores the relationship between the saturation point of digitalization in today’s society, Trash Cinema and lowbrow ephemera culture … [Read more...]
Eight paintings by Tom Melsen
Artist's statement: What is important to me, is what I like to call "the art of destroying." I destroy a lot of my works. Most paintings I make feel like crap to me and only a few of the many … [Read more...]