He's dead!
He's wounded
He's alive!

He's on a stretcher
He's in a hospital bunker
He's speaking on Iraqi television

He's a double of himself
He's not a double at all
He's prerecorded

His fingers are alive
His fingers are missing
His fingers don't count

The troops found a chemical weapons stash
The troops found barrels of old pesticides
The troops didn't find a chemical weapons stash

The troops found a biological weapons center
The troops found boxes of mislabeled vials
The troops didn't find a biological weapons center

Civilian casualties are being avoided at all cost
Civilian casualties are no longer being counted
Civilian casualties are a natural by-product of war

Journalist's living quarters were targeted by tanks
Journalist's living quarters were not "targeted" by tanks
Journalists were told to get out of Baghdad long ago

Innocent children are dying under friendly fire
Innocent children are not dying under friendly fire
Innocent soldiers are dying under friendly fire

Iraqi oil will be controlled by the Iraqis
Iraqi oil will be controlled by a coalition
Iraqi oil will be controlled by an illusion

Bush will not attack Iran after he's done in Iraq
Bush will not attack Syria after he's done in Iraq
Bush will not attack N. Korea after he's done in Iraq

But let this be a lesson to you after he's "done" in Iraq

© 2003 - Hammond Guthrie

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