Nobody Came:
Everybody "Liberated"

The Pope's fear of the US
(Catholic Pope vs. Evangelical Bush?)
prevented him from becoming a human shield

Dalai Lama protested he is landless
looking to the US for his land
but then brown's protest what is it worth?

GCCP (Gulf Cooperation Council of Pimps)

Neither declared oil embargo
nor denied access to killing saucers
land entry they couldn't ban

Master's murderers in their deserts
have leased free of charge -
an indefinite period

Musharraf is praying to Master
avoid any more awkward situations
let me live in peace in my final days in this world

Mubarak says "100 more Osamas will crop up"
second highest recipient of US aid
after Israel how bold the beggar could be?

"Ummah" (World Muslim Community)
invoked now and then reality?
No such thing as "Muslim world"

A hollow phrase like
"Democracy, Human Rights, Liberation"
used to control the masses

Not a single Muslim country
severed diplomatic relations
nor did any non-Muslim country

In 'Francemany' frowned for a while
now washing hands to eat the loot
of course, the lion's share would go...

To the BB Brothers that is -
Putin can't control criminals in Moscow
how could he restrain the super-criminal?

Now he is asked to write off all debts to Iraq
while oil will be controlled by US companies pour
salt or boiling oil on the wound?

(Germany is asked for similar favor)

China deposited the red book in Yangtze to withdraw
green bills from sweat shops has a trade surplus
Universe's Master can't afford a deficit of Master's blessings

India has Hindu fanatics in power
Washington's corridors of power
are full of Christian fundamentalists

Both have similar mission
India followed the adage silence is golden
to be rewarded with golden investments

Nobody came to the rescue
everybody and everything in Iraq
was left alone to face "liberation"

Children are liberated from parents
parents are liberated from children
sisters are liberated from brothers

Brothers are liberated from sisters
women and men are liberated from spouses
whole families are liberated from life

Buildings are liberated from structures
embargo-victims are liberated from wretchedness
arms are liberated from a boy

Cheek-skin is liberated from a child
skull is liberated from a man's body
flesh is liberated from a boy's body

Also liberated is a crack from a boy's forehead
also liberated is a sight from a child's eye
also liberated is a foot from a girl's ankle

Hitchens is liberated to toast in Baghdad
Franklin Graham is liberated to proselytize
Chalabi is liberated to loot and let his Master loot

US oil companies are liberated from Iraqi restrictions
other US companies are liberated to "rebuild" Iraq
and above all or above oil- the oil is liberated from Iraqis

Oil is nature that means nature is liberated
if Supreme Being were alive today would surely
thank the Technological God for liberating nature

Alas! back in 19th century
Nietzsche pronounced:
"God is dead"

Kofi Annan is still alive was resuscitated back to life
will send blacks and browns to clean up the mess in Iraq
and in the process get killed

At the dawn of evolutionary stage
the colored were destined to such a fate
US will misuse UN - Annan will feel he is needed

The death merchants in Washington DC
will soon be playing another game of roulette
seven compartments there are:

Cuba, Iran, Libya,
North Korea, Sudan,
Syria, and Venezuela

The eighth compartment for Pakistan is missing
In the future? Only Technological God knows -
heavy betting has started most are playing on Iran

Jew haters are called anti-Semite
Can't human haters be called anti-human
to be prosecuted and punished

Letting the human beings leave peacefully?

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