by Robert Carl Cohen
Alarmists, peaceniks, tree-huggers, and other assorted wimps have dared tocompare "W" to Hitler. From the viewpoint of hysterical accuracy this simplyain't TRUE!
Hitler was an illegitimate child who never knew his biological father(rumoured to have been Jewish). Drafted into the Kaiser's army during theFirst World War, Hitler became a corporal, and was said to have been gassed inthe trenches. When, as a war veteran attempting to earn a living as a painter,his artistic efforts were rejected by the art galleries of Vienna, (many ofwhich were run by Jews), he was forced to eat at charity soup kitchens (manyof which were run by Jews).
"W," on the other hand, is the son of a multi-millionaire father who has heldhigh government positions, including being Director of the CIA and Presidentof the USA. Rather than be drafted, "W" enlisted in the Texas Air NationalGuard, spent a year lounging around swimming pools in the USA while his unitwent to Viet Nam, was never charged with being AWOL; and got a diploma frombusiness school at Yale.
Hitler, hired to infiltrate the tiny Nazi organization (National SocialistGerman Workers Party), finding that he had ability as a demagogic publicspeaker, soon took over the very group he'd been paid to spy on. Arrested in1923 after leading an abortive putsch in Munich, following the publication ofhis prison-written book "Mein Kampf" (My Battle), after his release he wassupported by the "Brown Shirts" of the S.A. (Sturm Abeilung) - a paramilitaryorganization said to have numbered up to two million disgruntled war veterans.Assisted by massive donations from a coalition of Germany's majorcorporations, he was elected as a Nazi Party deputy to the German Reichstag(Parliament). With the country wracked by economic woes and growingCommunist-led working class unrest, to enforce "Law and Order" the agingPresident Hindenberg appointed Hitler as Reichschancellor.Shortly thereafter the Reichstag Building itself was destroyed by arson.
Prussian Chief of Police Hermann Goering, suspected of actually beingresponsible for the fire, charging that it had been done by aCommunist-directed terrorist, used it as a pretext for canceling civil rights,imprisoning tens of thousands of "Leftists," and setting up concentrationcamps where those secretly imprisoned could be denied all civil rights, heldindefinitely, tortured and exterminated. A fearful Reichstag performed itslast act when the Social Democrats joined with the Rightists and voted to giveHitler the power to make all laws. Claiming that Germany was threatened by"World Communism and the Jews," Hitler ordered a huge increase in armamentsproduction; and began invading and taking over every nation which refused tosubmit to Germany's hegemony.
"W," on the other hand, was never elected to national office. In 2000 hereceived a minority of more than one million of the votes for President of theUSA, but was anointed "President" by 5 of the 9 members of the US SupremeCourt as a result of their halting the counting of disputed ballots inFlorida, where his brother Jeb Bush was Governor. The fact that several closefamily members of two of the Supreme Court Justices (Scalia & Thomas) whovoted to stop the disputed ballot count were on the payrolls of Rightistorganizations failed to elicit charges of corruption in the majorcorporation-owned US mass-media.
By 2001 "W's" popularity was falling faster than the collapsing stock marketwhen the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon created a shockwave of fear which led to the Democrats joining with the Republicans to votein the Patriot Act and other repressive legislation. According to the opinionpolls announced by the major corporation-owned media, "W's" popularity soared.He announced that the US would hunt down those responsible for the 9-11attack, and a united Democrat-Republican Congress voted him the unlimitedpower to make war. US Attorney General Ashcroft, charging that the nation wasthreatened by Radical Islamist terrorists, and anyone who assisted them bycontributing money or otherwise supporting one of a long list of suspectedorganizations, ordered the secret arrests of large numbers of suspectedterrorists. Special, some even secret, detention camps were created bothinside and outside the country, where those secretly imprisoned could bedenied all civil rights, held indefinitely, and forced to talk by meansnormally forbidden by law, ie: torture. (The deaths under interrogation of anunknown number of those so detained are reportedly being investigated.) Whilethe medical benefits of veterans have been curtailed; and combat pay andassistance for the families of service personnel on active duty have been cut,the Defense Department has ordered a huge increase in armaments production.Claiming that it was necessary in order to capture (formerly US Governmentsupported) Saudi Arabian multi-millionaire Osama Bin Laden, who "W" chargedwas reponsible for the 9-11 attack, Afghanistan was invaded and "liberated" ofits Taliban ("Students") overlords. Many of these Talibans had been educatedin thousands of Radical Islamist Madrassas ("Schools) established in Pakistan.These institutions had been financed by US Government funds channeled from theCIA through the ISI (Pakistani Secret Police) to counter Marxist teachingsbeing promulgated by the then pro-Soviet Afghani regime - and also to assistin the overthrow of that government. Claiming that the elusive Bin Laden waslinked to (formerly US Government supported) Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein,"W" also charged Iraq possessed vast secret stockpiles of WDMs, "Weapons ofMass Destruction," including anthrax and nerve gas. A claim apparently basedon the fact that such material had previously been sold to Iraq by the US andits allies during and following the Iran-Iraq War. Despite the inability of UNinspectors to find such WDMs, in 2003 "W" ordered the US military to invadeIraq and replace its despotic Baath Party Sunni Moslem rulers with elementsmore interested in doing business with the US. Encouraged by the bi-partisansuper-patriotic support he's received for these two (compared to the 58,000+Vietnam - relatively low US casualty) military victories, "W" has ordered thePentagon to plan the "liberation" of all those nations whose rulers refuse toaccept the American Way of Life, especially if they have oil, uranium, or someother natural resource considered vital to US interests.
Now that the differences between Hitler and "W" have been clarified, we canfocus on their similarities.
© 2004 - Robert Carl Cohen