the painter, Muldoon Elder

Muldoon Elder scolding Fred Dodsworth
©2003 - Bonnie Powell using a Bart Nagel camera.

Muldoon Elder is a poet, painter, filmmaker,
art dealer and writer who lives in San Francisco.

His first museum purchase award was from the Long Beach Museum of Art in 1957.
Since that time his paintings and drawings have been exhibited in numerous museums
and galleries throughout the United States. He founded the Vorpal Gallery in 1962 and
was primarily responsible for exposing to high acclaim many little-known artists
including the Japanese mezzotint master, Yozo Hamaguchi
and the Dutch graphic master, M.C.Escher.

His documentary films have garnered thirteen international movie awards including
an Academy Award in 1969 for "Best Live-action Short" and First Place at The Cannes
Film Festival in 1970 [The Magic Machines].

His Welsh-Irish heritage is to blame
for his colorful use of words.

To look at his paintings and read his stories and poems click below:

Muldoon's 3rd Page Index

* To remain in the index click to open the page and then use the BACK click to view
the next painting, poem or story. Ed.

photo of Muldoon Elder

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