
We come now

Sober from anger,

Sober from anguish,

Sober from the lies

Foisted upon us day after day,

Night after night, the blinking

Nights of late night news, the

Repetitious rhetoric of

Bush, Rumsfeld and Ashcroft

Repeating and repeating

Everyone is mad

Except them,

Everyone is

The enemy

Except them,

Everyone is a


Except them,

Everyone is out

To destroy


Except them

We come now

Sober from lost

Sleep, from jobs

That have simply


From savings and pensions

That have


We come now

To realizations, sobering


That this America

Is no longer

The land of freedom of

Speech, or freedom of

Protest, but is now a


That has been

Transformed, no, in reality,

Captured, nay,

Destroyed in

Two short years

With storm troopers

Sent throughout the

World, to quiet

Dissent, that

Those who oppose

This new SS

Is made up only of

Terrorists, those who

Oppose us in Iraq, are not

Iraqis, they are now

"Saddam loyalists" or "foreigners,"

in Afghanistan, everyone is

Taliban, or "foreign terrorists,"


Our men are not foreigners, not

Occupiers, we

Still proudly wear

White hats, just as in

Our movies, Bruce Willis

And his cohorts take on

A thousand rag-headed

Arabs and vanquish

Them, all within an hour

And a - half, save the world

For blondes and

Democracy, and Bruce and Arnold

Never even break

A sweat, nor lose

An ounce of blood, just

Like our troops in

Afghanistan, "nobody dies"

They come home

Victorious, kill 7 of their

Wives, wound over 30

Others and beat up

Over 2 dozen men —but

They are heroes, they

Are the saviours of

Democracy, they are

The enforcers, they

Are the real life

Bruce, Arnold --

But when Bruce and Arnold

Go home at night, they

Knock off a cold beer

Go out to

Party, and forget about


Until the next year's

Film —but these

New killers, they sober

Us, because now, we

Are aware, sobered

To realize

That on another day

When the poor in America


Too hard, when the millions

Of unemployed speak up Against Bush too loud, or

Some loud and protesting lawyers

And plain citizens

Oppose Ashcroft's detentions,

These same troops will be

Called upon to stop

These new "fifth column

Infiltrators," these new

"American traitors" that must

be stopped —

and so our troops will level

their guns, fire and

the blood will be that

of their own

cousins, of their

neighbors —yours and mine

Who foolishly

Didn't understand

In time

That only Bush,

Only Ashcroft, only

Rumsfeld, know the truth,

That only they

Are to be obeyed, beyond anything some

"terrorist" may say about the

Constitution or Bill of Rights

So we come today,

Sober from anger,

Sober from the lies

We've been told night after night, day

After day, to finally


This America we fought for, others

Died for

The America we were taught to believe in —

Is no more

© 2003 - Sam Hamod

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