I can't imagine getting through these past eleven months of chemotherapy without watching movies. These reviews first appeared on my daily blog, Stew's Idle & Angry Thoughts, along with a running account of my treatment for life threatening Hepatitis C, and The 3rd Page has been extremely supportive by republishing them as a special feature, inspiring me to continue.
Escapism was my essential goal, and these films (the good, the bad, and the ugly among them), were entirely therapeutic - providing a marvelous diversion from the harsh side effects of the chemo-injections: fever, chiils, lethargy, anorexia, Anemia, periodic chest pains—and this is just in the opening scene.
The films were viewed on a wide screen television here at home, and a few new releases seen in theaters just to be somewhat up to date, and most importantly to get out of the house once in a while!