Bay Area poet Lawrence McGaugh (October 11, 1940-July 26, 2006) was the author of “A Fifth Sunday” and several other volumes of poetry. His work was also published in literary periodicals and anthologies. The Online Archive of California notes that McGaugh “earned a BFA at the San Francisco Art Institute in 1971, taught fine arts at several institutions around the Bay Area, and served a commissioner on the Berkeley Civic Art Commission, 1976-1979.” His papers are housed at the Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley.
Lawrence McGaugh Selected Bibliography
A Fifth Sunday
Berkeley: Oyez, 1965. Beautifully Designed and printed by Graham Mackintosh in an edition of 500 copies. Stapled in wrappers featuring a photo of the poet. Unpaginated, 32 pp.
Click any image below for a full-sized view.
Vacuum Cantos and Other Poems
Berkeley: Oyez, 1969. The edition of 530 books consisted in 500 copies in wrappers; 30 copies were printed on handmade Torvil paper, clothbound in various colors of cloth (issued sans dustjacket), numbered and signed by the author. Beautifully designed and printed by Clifford Burke.
Dreamheads: Love Poems 1978-1983
N.p., 1983. An edition of 400 copies, wrappers, 47 pages. Self-published.
2 Sonnets
N.p.: Red Hill Press for Oyez, 1989. Broadside (folded card.). The sonnets are “Arabus” and “Lover-In-The-Mist.” The back cover states, “2 Sonnets are from Venus’s Slipper, a work-in-progress.” Printed by John McBride.
Venus’s Slipper: Flower Sonnets & New Poems
Unpublished; manuscript copies exist. Together in one volume with Dreamhead Letters and New Poems, have been offered for sale online and a copy also exists in the Bancroft Library archives.