Intrigue & Scope There’s an old story of the amate tree bark (i.e. amoxtli or codices/scrolls with pictographs whose texts resemble an accordion). These were first elaborated as “most likely in the … [Read more...]
About Jose Trejo Maya
Born in Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, where he spent his childhood in the small neighboring rural pueblo of Tarimoro and where from he immigrated in 1988. His inspirations include Nezahualcoyotl, Humberto Ak’abal, Ray A. Young Bear, Antonio Mendiz Bolio, and James Welch.
He has been published in various literary journals in the US, in the UK, in India, in Spain, in Australia and in Argentina. Nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2015. Received 3rd Prize for three poems from El Centro Canario Estudios Caribeños – El Atlántico – en el Certamen Internacional de Poesía “La calle que tu me das” 2016. While in ceremony with Chololo medicine men in the Tule River Reservation he dreamt the above written prophecy…