Manhattan Daimon (for Nadia and her daughter As moon is to earth and earth about sun turns so I dance at the tree root till woodpecker sing and footfall free Ge from slumber … [Read more...]
About Robert Hogg
Robert Hogg grew up in the Cariboo and Fraser Valley in BC, attended UBC during the early Sixties where he was associated with the Vancouver TISH poets, completed a PhD at SUNY Buffalo then taught American and Canadian Poetry at Carleton University in Ottawa for 38 years. He currently resides at his farm fifty miles south of Ottawa and is working on four collections: Lamentations; The Cariboo Poems; American Postcards; and The Vancouver Work. His publications include: The Connexions, 1966; Standing Back, 1972; Of Light, 1978; Heat Lightning, 1986; There Is No Falling, 1993, and from Lamentations, 2016. Two Cariboo poems, Ranch Days – The McIntosh from hawk/weed press in Kemptville, and Ranch Days—for Ed Dorn from battleaxe press in Ottawa are at the presses.