attn: you who take us by force, a palindrome i thought about what i would say at your lightning which pierced me, how each he has to forgive him: for this. me running to forgive him; you, boy … [Read more...]
About Trace DePass
Trace Howard DePass is the author of Self-portrait as the space between us (PANK Books 2018) and editor of Scholastic's Best Teen Writing of 2017. He served as the 2016 Teen Poet Laureate for the Borough of Queens. His work has been featured on BET Next Level, Billboard, Blavity, NPR's The Takeaway, and also resides in literary homes: Anomalous Press (fka Drunken Boat), Entropy Magazine, Split This Rock!, The Other Side of Violet, Best Teen Writing of 2015, & the East Coast Voices Anthology. As he enters 2018, Trace aims to blur the lines between the narrative arc and what is percussive. Find him on Instagram and Twitter @southsidepoems.