English Refrains
Pine, ginko, and chestnut complement the land Talk, discussion
and argument volunteer time Ask to establish rank Squirm
Take the first bite Eliminate the white granules of salt the iced
green tea Offer a hug as if noting an irresistible sale on t-shirts
So pleasant to see you
Have a nice day
Weather is good
But look at water pressure faded signs octopi arms
in a suction cupped scuffle invasive clams mud
slides bonding chemicals vaporized The shadow of
artillery and rusting tanks Judgement
eerily revealed Stares leave little choice
So pleasant to see you
Have a nice day
Provide a valid excuse Dodge the trajectory
of a ladder Sing breathless about ignorance
Drink beer and consume mushrooms Translate the email
with apologies Turn down the fruition of evidence
So pleasant to see you
One person’s ignorance another American pie
Lady’s Night
“Your turn. You decide.”
How about
holding masks in place
debate empty cans
a massive chemical and nuclear arsenal
how many bulbs illuminate the room
the shape of numbers
a balance-challenged novice
the domain of men
an eyebrow rising
rice cakes
flatter and offend in the same
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