Chris Turnbull
Chris Turnbull lives in a small town outside of Ottawa, Ontario. Previous publications include a multi-voice poetic sequence, continua (Chaudiere Books: 2015), and [ untitled ], one of three pieces in o w n (CUE Books: 2015), alongside work by angela rawling and Heather Hermant, respectively.
She published a chapbook, "contrite" through the dusie kollectiv (#8).
She runs/curates a sporadic footpress, rout/e, whereby poems are planted on trails: She is currently collaborating with artist/poet bruno neiva, working on a visual sequence, [sic], and working through a 2nd chapbook, "candid", which follows "contrite". Her poetry and visual work can be found online, in print, and within landscapes. She twitters @ChrisCturnbul.
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