when we move in February and it feels like spring
and as a deer gang
harass a neighbor’s garden
at midnight she sneers
can you talk about a dam every day
can you feel it you feel the depth
can it snag your
thoughts unaware
a view of a two lane highway
granite walls stickman on top
salmon boats in Rattlesnake Canyon
parades of deer and deer and deer and deer
in a small town like this
do people at the dam ever swear
the house on Burdin Boulevard
all the doors are
the closet
looks like a door
and the door
that goes next door
looks like a closet
and the tree in the yard
throws a shadow
that I always
think is a person
and 11 deer wander
around visiting
the acoustics echo
and shush
on the way back from doing laundry in the coulee
turkeys wild brown
feathers down
feathers high
took over like quail
down the road a piece
one two or twenty
fat birds
single digits snow tracks
one crosses
then three
hide on the right
a stag
and a hopping fawn
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