We can see the lights in the distance.
Through the thin papers coated with Linseed oil.
The Lumière brothers said,
“The cinema is an invention without any future”.
The cine projector continues to emit the “Lumière” behind the scenes.
a literary magazine
We can see the lights in the distance.
Through the thin papers coated with Linseed oil.
The Lumière brothers said,
“The cinema is an invention without any future”.
The cine projector continues to emit the “Lumière” behind the scenes.
hiromi suzuki is a poet, novelist and artist living in Tokyo, Japan. She is the author of Ms. cried, 77 poems by hiromi suzuki (Kisaragi Publishing, 2013), logbook (Hesterglock Press, 2018), and INVISIBLE SCENERY (Low Frequency Press, 2018). Her works have been published internationally in poetry journals, literary journals and anthologies. Visit her at hiromisuzukimicrojournal.tumblr.com/ and on Twitter @HRMsuzuki.
Established in 2000 and edited by Denise Enck, Empty Mirror is an online literary magazine that publishes new work each Friday.
Each week EM features several poems each by one or two poets; reviews; critical essays; visual art; and personal essays.
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