An Invisible Flower by Yoko Ono / Chronicle Books / 52 pages / 978-1452109114
An Invisible Flower was written and illustrated by nineteeen-year-old Yoko Ono, years before she met John Lennon, or became a public figure.
It is the tale of a girl who sees a flower that no one else can see. Finally, she meets a man, “Smelty John,” who can see the flower, too. It carries with it a message of hope, and
Her delightful, minimalistic drawings capture the essence of the story while still allowing the reader to form their own impressions.
Yoko tucked theses pages away, and there they stayed for many years, until her son, Sean Lennon discovered and published them. His foreword and Yoko’s afterword fill in some context for this work.
Most of us are at least somewhat familiar with Yoko’s later work – or at least some of her music. An Invisible Flower gives us a look at her creative beginnings, the fruits of a very turmoil-filled young life, and find them imbued with hope and wisdom.
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