We are the revenge of all oppressed, despised, ignored, exploited, beaten, insulted, neglected, abused, molested humans in the world as being fighters for their rights with our poems and essays.
We are the revenge of the Poetry Art and we are fighting for poetry ethics against the decadent poets/poetesses who exploit Poetry for their own social rant seeking and for hunting young readers and aspiring poets/poetesses in lousy poetry concerts in bars to be able to fuck them.
We are the revenge of Bulgarian revolutionist-poet Nikola Vaptsarov who had been fusilladed by fascists. We are the left hook of him punching on the eye of the capitalism.
We are the revenge of socialist Spanish Poet Federico García Lorca who had been fusilladed by fascist Franco’s bastards. We are the continuing verses of him. Also, you can suppose all us to be gay like Lorca, because all we are against sexual racism. We are the revenge of all insulted LGBT persons around the world. You can ostracize all of us from all communities, but we will continue to write anti-racist poems fighting against sexual racism for putting them in the ass of your rotten morality.
We are the revenge of socialist Hungarian Poet Attila József who had been forced to live in HUNGER for 32 years, and forced to suicide by this damn capitalist system.
We are the revenge of socialist Turkish Poet Nazim Hikmet who had been put in prison without any crime by the Fascist-Kemalist regime for 13 years and forced to escape from his own homeland because of death risk, and then died at abroad with deep pain of homeland longing.
We are the revenge of socialist Turkish Poet Enver Gokce who had been left for dead with illness, solitary and big pains of his hard life.
We are the ghosts of Turkish Poets Zafer Ekin Karabay and Ozge Dirik who had died very young before seeing their published poetry books because of the fucking “vampire publication system” in Turkey which requests money from poets for publishing their books even they are very good poets.
We are the immortal spirit of our comrade, Armenian revolutioner and freedom fighter Matteos Sarkissian (Paramaz), one victim in 1.500.000 victims of Armenian Genocide, who had been hung in Beyazid Square, in Istanbul, in 1915, without any fear in his heart with his other comrades.
We are the immortal spirit of Partisan “Sergeant” Eleni who had fought for defending her people with honour and courage and murdered in Pontian Greek Genocide with 353.000 victims.
We are the immortal spirits of thousands of Kurdish victims of murdered by Fascist-Kemalist regime. We are the immortal spirits of 72.000 victims of Zaza Genocide in Dersim perpetrated by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
We are the immortal spirits of all innocent victims of all terrible genocides perpetrated by cruel humans of the world like Bosnia Genocide, Rwanda Genocide, Circassian Genocide, Assyrian Genocide, Nestorian Genocide, Chaldean Genocide, Holocaust, Darfur, Nanking, Ukraine, Cambodia, and all the other massacres. We are the immortal spirits of burned alive children, raped little girls, brutally slaughtered millions of humans.
June 2014
josh bygosh says
They call them socialists, and yet they were free from the bondage of self .. And is that not our moral goal.. josh :O)