I have a problem with this
idea about detonating bacon
through harm reduction from
putting out the bacon fires
with fresh bacon.
It’s pretty screwed up.
Let’s learn to like it—
(puts bacon in pan on stove)
There are only so many ways
to entomb myself in mental bacon,
though I’ll admit I am a little curious
as to where the sentient leotards have gone.
The war is simply bacon
and all this bacon airport security
freshly laundered problems.
The hovering bacon stage managers
leave bacon in your bank account.
I’m sorry I created this mess.
I have to grow a mullet by Christmas
I’m sick of classic rock.
And I’m sick of a society stuck in a sick rut.
Eliot Weinberger is sick of Drew Gardner.
His interest earning checking account.
He works in Seattle as a freelance evil fucker.
Apple, Microsoft, IBM, have been harboring
him for years with me getting
sick after drinking one too many futures I hadn’t imagined.
Jim Henson comes to mind.
I make the plans but that is about as far as I got,
the passersby who are
all marriages that end weirdly,
dissolved in today by decree.
There are so many good ones and other ones
Be purist bleeding candy stripers
all over winter. I am so sick of winter.
I need sunlight in my veins.
I had two choices:
be an MA student at Fordham University or
dream of people mixing together from different parts of reality.
I grew up in Race War Massachusetts.
Drew Gardner is like Robin Leach in contact with giant ants.
He is gonna run out of life at some point.
I’m not sure I’m exactly what I say I am.
Like your cat getting sick,
or so-called username as ass in Assville
and I just ordered an ironing board.
Any physical condition will try to
take a break at the end of a cycle of life
but five minutes later the new cycle starts.
I was behind the wheel of a Camaro
and the smell in the car was a mix of exhaust gas, Black Sabbath
and Ezra Pound.
It was leaking human life.
Yet I am also new. It hurts.
The worst part about being ill this long,
aside from the financial implications,
is the extreme boredom of being Drew Gardner.
While some might see this as a good thing,
I am not really all that thrilled with it.
I have so much to do.
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