Rik Lina sends an announcenent of his new exhibition, Selva Tropical – Canto de Pássaros (Tropical Jungle – Singing Birds) which runs May 16 through July 31, 2015.
The location is:
Fundação Dionisio Pinheiro
e Alice Cardoso Pinheiro
AGUEDA – Portugal
Here are some images to whet your appetite!
Please visit Rik Lina’s website and also his work right here at Empty Mirror.
Rik Lina says
Dear Denise, will you be so kind to change my website address?
The new one is: http://www.riklina.com
Thanks! RIK
Denise says
Hi Rik,
I’ve made the update. Thanks for your patience; recently I haven’t been online as much as usual. It’s good to hear from you!